
Torben Heikel Vinther

Jeg er selvstændig WordPress-konsulent i mit firma Webfronten. Jeg udvikler WordPress-løsninger for små og mellemstore virksomheder og tilbyder serviceaftaler med løbende vedligeholdelse og optimering af WordPress-sites.

Jenny Wong

Community junkie. Half web developer, half community cheerleader. Human.

She’s a self-proclaimed community junkie, and it shows, seeing all the WordCamps she has attended and she’ll be happy to guide through the ways of giving back to the diverse community the WordPress community is. Have I mentioned community enough?

Mark Thomas Gazel

Tovholder for WordPress Danmark

Jeg arbejder til dagligt i Vesterbro Bibliotek og Kulturhus i København. Har brugt WordPress siden version 1.5.2, hvilket svarer til efteråret 2005. Har været koordinator og tovholder for WordPress Danmark siden maj 2010. Har været aktiv oversætter af WordPress siden 2010. Har siden 2015 har firmaet Gazel Kommunikation, der hjælper kunder med at blive mere synlige på internettet. De gør de som udgangspunkt ved at have en WordPress-side. Så bygger vi videre derfra.

Joen Olsen

Yan Knutskov Nielsen

Patrick Hesselberg

To be announced


I work at Automattic as a Community Wrangler at WordCamp Central. Along with the rest of the team, I’m co-organizer of WordCamp Europe 2015, 2016 and 2017, co-founder of the WordPress Sevilla Meetup group and three WordCamps Sevilla. WordPress developer, validator of the Spanish translation team at GlotPress and moderator of the Spanish WordPress.org forums. Co-author of the book “WordPress para Dummies” (November 2012).

Peter Suhm

Founder af WP Pusher, et deployment værktøj for Git og WordPress. Elsker PHP og WordPress og har bygget ting med WordPress siden 2007, på trods af at jeg har været “rundt om blokken” i PHP verdenen.

Aktivt medlem af det danske Laravel community og arrangør af CPH Laravel meetup. Passioneret gæsteblogger på blogs såsom WP Tavern og Tuts+, hvor jeg blandt andet har skrevet om workflow med Git, Composer, WordPress or Laravel.

Elsker at rejse og har i de sidste par år tilbragt mere tid udenfor landets grænser end indenfor. Jeg har boet I lande som Marokko og Thailand, men har også været heldig at besøge mere off-the-beaten-track destinationer, såsom Vestsahara og Sri Lanka.

Thomas Hurd

A transplant from New Zealand, via a few countries along the way, Thomas came to Helsinki for love – of design. He has translated his background in product, system and service design into developing integrated digital experiences with the team at Pixels. As a creative and CEO, Thomas works with a team that creates considered user experiences, beautiful design and powerful technical implementations.

Nicolai Elberling

Nicolai is helping companies within the areas of Governance, Compliance and Risk management. He has a long experience with the financial industry, and is a bit of an expert on how to best establish the right level of control, discipline and accountability within the company. He is both efficient, practical and have the ability to explain his stuff on without the mystery and technical jargon.

Otto Kekäläinen

Otto Kekäläinen is the CEO of Seravo Oy, CEO of the MariaDB Foundation and the chairman of the FUUG Foundation. Otto has been using Linux and other open source technologies for over 15 years, and has been advocating open source for almost as long. Otto’s first blog in 2004 was made with WordPress, and since the inception of WP-palvelu.fi Otto has been deeply involved with WordPress. As a software developer Otto has insight into the technical side of open source, and as a CEO and entrepreneur he also knows how to use open source in business successfully. Otto likes to share his experiences on how to use open source to its full potential and how the world can keep increasing the benefits of open source software and its methodologies.

Erik Bernskiold

Erik is a Digital Strategist, Businessman, Economist & Speaker, combining the field of business with digital marketing. He is the Managing Director and founder of full-service boutique digital agency Bernskiold Media who works with businesses around the world to help them fully use and succeed with digital tools. Erik also travels the world as appreciated speaker at conferences.

Carsten Legaard

Født 1952, journalist og fotograf. På WordPress-platformen siden 2009, selvstændig forretning med WordPress webdesign, SEO og support siden 2013.

Emil Wibe

Jeg er freelance webudvikler- og designer og har lavet websites i mere end ti år. De sidste fem år har jeg lavet websites i WordPress, hvor jeg de seneste to år selv har udviklet temaer. Se nogle af dem her: http://emilwibe.dk

Ragini Louise Kastberg

Mit navn er Ragini Kastberg, indehaver af http://webklar.dk/ Jeg har været i gang som selvstændig med min bibeskæftigelse siden januar 2016. Min inspiration kommer fra bl.a. andre menneskers viden, erfaring og ideer samt min nysgerrighed for at lære nyt og møde nye. Jeg håber, at mine erfaringer kan gavne andre, hvorfor jeg gerne vil dele ud og give noget tilbage til WP-miljøet, som har givet mig så meget.