
Workshop – WP CLI

En hands on indføring i hvordan WP CLI kan bruges ved udvikling i WordPress.

Afterparty på Café Langebro

Dem der orker tager på Café Langebro. Det er blevet en slags tradition.

Øllerne er billige, stemningen er god og det ligger i gåafstand (sådan da) til fra Aalborg Universitet.

Contributing to WordPress

Workshop – WP CLI

Workshop – Polyglots

WordPress har en ambition om at være tilgængelig på så mange sprogr som muligt. Og om at få oversat WordPress, samt teamer og plugins til disse sprog. Derfor har udviklerne lavet værktøjet GlotPress, hvor oversættelserne kan foregå centralt og online.

Oversættelsen er et stort arbejde, som kræver mange frivillige timer.

Denne workshop vil handle om:

* Hvor og hvordan du oversætter
* Hvordan kan vi koordinere det i Danmark?
* Kan vi finde nogle fælles platforme (Slack, bbPress eller lign.)

Det er min erfaring at mange vil bidrage, men ikke ved, hvor de skal gå hen. Det skulle denne workshop gerne råde bod på.

Min hverdag som énmands-WP-hær

Bag kulisserne hos Automattic

Joen Olsen arbejder til dagligt hos Automattic, som er firmaet bag WordPress og som driver en masser services på nettet, hvor den største er wordpress.com med mange millioner af blogs.

Joen har endnu ikke besluttet, hvad han vil fortælle om.

How to build a social network in WordPress from scratch with BuddyPress | EN

If you install BuddyPress and activate it in your site, your website automatically becomes a social network with many features by default, such as Wall, Groups, Private messaging between users, etc.

But BuddyPress has evolved and has taken a leap forward. The latest versions of BuddyPress brings many improvements and new features that makes BuddyPress a powerful tool for many types of projects, increasing their chances.

In this talk, I’ll install BuddyPress in a WP site from scratch and I’ll give an overview of all the components of this plugin and the most striking enlargements and useful improvements that have been made. Because the more you know BuddyPress and its possibilities, the easier it is to fall in love with this free software tool.

WordPress development with Docker | EN

In this presentation I will show how Docker can be used to setup a super simple and flexible development environment for WordPress. With Docker we can share our environments across a team, so everyone can have the exact same setup – and have it set up on their machine in a few minutes. If we are brave enough, we can even deploy our websites to production within their Docker containers, so we have the exact same setup during development and in production.

I will begin with a really basic intro to Docker, so everyone can follow along and then move on to show how a basic setup looks using Docker Compose.

The goal of the presentation is that everyone can install and set up Docker for themselves afterwards.

“Briefly in English” – The user experience perspective of multilingual and multi-regional websites | EN

In Europe website developers often need to create multilingual websites. But what about multi-regional websites and what about the end user’s experience?

User experience and effective content are two aspects that keep users returning, yet these are oftentimes overlooked by both clients and developers.

This talk would venture into strategies for planning and building successful multilingual and/or multi-regional websites that maximise content and the end user experience, ultimately encouraging your clients’ customers to stay and explore their website.

Because a ‘Briefly in English’ page is about as big a turn off as an orange in the White House.

Will the new General Data Protection Regulation affect me and if so, how should I respond? | EN

We will address the main concerns from the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), how they may be affecting you, and what you should do about it. With the time at hand, we will not go into much detail, but you will get a general idea on what it is all about and the overall direction to take in order to comply. We will of course also cover how the use of WordPress and a few of its many options for integration may be relevant in this context. The new regulations will come into effect just before summer 2018 (May 25, 2018), and besides threatening with fines for up to 20 million EUR or 4% of your annual revenue, you will be equally responsible regardless of your position in the supply chain. This means that both you, your customers and your suppliers may be fined if you do not handle and protect personal information with the appropriate level of care and diligence.

Advanced techniques for testing and updating WordPress core and plugins to avoid regressions | EN

Updating WordPress core and plugins is an important and often recurring maintenance task, that many often neglect due to the inherent risk of regressions and potential downtime. At Seravo.com we update hundreds of enterprise grade WordPress sites in a production-proof way using automated testing with RSpec and Phantom.js. In this talk I will show you how we do it and what are the open source tools anybody else can use as well to test their own sites before and after updates.

I gang med dialog-værktøjerne

Se dit arbejde med online platformen som en dialog med brugere, leads og interessenter. Det gør dig til en bedre facilitator! Det lønner sig at have fokus på dialogen fra A til Z – fra planlægning af content og UX over implementering og design til måling og analyse af platformens effektivitet. Jeg vinkler foredraget for både begyndere og let viderekomne og propper det med konkrete eksempler og tool-tips.

Crash course i temaudvikling til WordPress

I dette oplæg vil jeg lave en introduktion til temaudvikling i WordPress. Hverken mere eller mindre. På 30 minutter får du en introduktion til følgende: Tema- og template-filer, funktioner til at indsætte stylesheets og js-filer funktioner til at bruge menuer template tags the loop

Derfor er netværket så vigtigt som ny iværksætter

En ægte WP-historie, som er affødt af WordCamp DK 2016.

I dette oplæg fortæller jeg om betydningen af netværk som ny iværksætter.
Jeg fortæller også om mit møde med en gruppe af smittende WordPress-entusiaster, og hvordan jeg blev inspireret til at starte WordPress Meetup Viborg efter at have været WordCamp DK 2016. i Aarhus. Sidst i oplægget deler jeg ud af nogle af mine bedste råd til, hvordan man bliver en bedre networker.

Netværket er en uundværlig kilde til synlighed, relationsskabelse og salg.